I remember the days when a new marketing tool was actually something exciting. A new keyword tool that would help you quickly evaluate the SEO competitiveness of any given keyword. An email marketing tool that would allow you to create automatic follow up emails to subscribers who hadn’t opened your most recent email. A software that would monitor search terms that are driving traffic and surface long tail keyword opportunities.
But those days are long gone.
Nowadays, can anyone really keep up with the neverending stream of new marketing products? (Let alone feature releases for existing products!)
You’ve probably seen the marketing technology landscape graphic that chiefmartec published earlier this year:
And even this isn’t all-encompassing.
There’s also http://marketingstack.io. And http://appmarketingstack.com. And of course http://www.contentmarketingstack.co. And so much more…
And all of this is great for marketers. More choice. More competition. Everyone tries harder to deliver more value.
But it also makes it much harder to break through the noise.
Even the most enthusiastic marketing nerds are now hesitant to try out yet another shiny new tool.
So if you want to build something for marketers, maybe there’s something you can build that can complement whatever other tools are around there. Something that makes using another tool an even better experience.
An example?
It doesn’t matter whether you’re using Hubspot or Mailchimp or keep your leads in a Google spreadsheet… If you run your lead data through Clearbit, you’ll get a lot more context around your leads, which will help you spot valuable leads much better, and help you tune your messaging when reaching out to those leads much better.