Marketing Baby


Bulk check Ahrefs DR Score of 200 domains

ahrefs, domains, SEO, tools

If you have a long list of domains and want to check their Ahrefs Domain Rating (DR) score, there are many free bulk check tools available. However, most of them are crap (they either don’t work at all or the results they generate are incorrect).

If you’re a paying Ahrefs customer, the Ahrefs Batch Analysis tool allows you to quickly check 200 domains at once.

It will not only check the DR scores for each of the domains, but also other high-level metrics like backlinks, linking domains, organic keywords domain domain is ranking for, traffic estimates, AR, UR, total referring domains, as well as broken down by dofollow, gov, and edu, referring IPs and Subnets, linked domains, and more.

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