Marketing Baby

Tim Soulo’s Link Building Outreach Learnings

link building, SEO

Tim Soulo recently tweeted some of his learnings from a quick link building outreach experiment.

Let’s talk about “Link Building Outreach.”

I recently tried to acquire some links to one of my blog posts..

So I reviewed ~200 link prospects (collected by a contractor) and sent ~90 emails.

…and it was quite a learning experience to be honest.

Tim Soulo

This got him 13 backlinks, which is quite good.

Interesting takeaways:

  • content quality didn’t matter much (the same amount of people would probably have linked to him if his content was of lower quality)
  • AHREFs brand helped him a lot
  • people want something in exchange for fulfilling a link request
  • outreach template didn’t matter much, main reason for people fulfilling your request is they’re already open to review it
  • follow-ups work
  • he gave pitchbox a shoutout – an infuencer outreach and content marketing platform
  • prioritize fresh/recent content in your outreach (use AHREFs content explorer, filter by content published in last 30 days, DR: 50+

Another way to get recent content is to look for recent links to your competitors from ahrefs:


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