Articles for category: Uncategorized

Marketing Baby

Master new marketing skills the Lex Fridman way

Lex Fridman shared an interesting framework for learning and mastering a new skill: Year 1: Spend 2 hours a day doing this. Every day. This builds the foundation Year 2-5: Spend 1 hour per day to build the expertise. From year 5 onwards: Spend a few minutes ever day, but make that a hard lower ...

LinkedIn for B2B Leads

The folks over at DemandCurve just published a massive guide on using (organic) LinkedIn as a B2B customer acquisition channel. It’s all about posting great content on LinkedIn, building a following, and eventually taking that following off LinkedIn to specific offers to convert them into high-value leads and eventually customers. Read the full guide here. ...

Tim Soulo’s Link Building Outreach Learnings

Tim Soulo recently tweeted some of his learnings from a quick link building outreach experiment. Let’s talk about “Link Building Outreach.” I recently tried to acquire some links to one of my blog posts.. So I reviewed ~200 link prospects (collected by a contractor) and sent ~90 emails. …and it was quite a learning experience ...

Marketing Baby

Not-dumb message testing for B2B SaaS? Wynter from Peep Laja

If you want to put your product messaging to the test, there’s a lot of BS agencies that will gladly take your money to tell you things you already knew, or things you really shouldn’t know because they just don’t get it. Fortunately, now there’s Wynter. They actually provide meaningful, impactful message testing. Peep Laja ...

Marketing Baby

Marketing attribution: HTML anchor links and UTM parameters—here’s how to make them work together

Usually, you just attach UTM parameters to the end of a link and it’s fine. Example: But if you’re linking to a specific section of a webpage using an anchor link, attaching the UTM parameter to the end will mess things up—basically it will render the anchor link useless. Instead, it will just link ...

Marketing Baby

New internal linkbuilding tool from ahrefs

My favorite SEO tool now has a new featured called Link Opportunities. Here’s a quick 4 minute walkthrough of the new feature: I tested this on some of our sites and it’s working quite well. When you’re launching a new page and want to build backlinks, a “keyword phrase” search usually does the job ...

Marketing Baby

KOB: Keyword Opposition to Benefit Analysis

One of the most fundamental aspects of doing keyword research in my opinion is KOB: Keyword Opposition to Benefit Analysis. Todd Malicoat first developed this framework back in 2011. You can read his original post here. Now obviously, something that dates back to 2011 has been improved upon, and I wouldn’t necessary advice you to ...

YouTube Keyword Tools

If you’re looking for a YouTube keyword tool, there are quite a few options available to you. In this post, we’ll look at some of the best ones available in 2020, and how to tell which one is right for you. YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world after Google itself. It ...