Marketing Baby


Gael from AuthorityHackers on How To Do EEAT Right

The video discusses the concept of E-E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness) and its relevance for SEO. Here the main takeaways: Trust: Expertise: Experience: Authority: Implementation: Others: This video emphasizes the importance of transparency, showcasing expertise, and embracing topical authority to improve a site’s E-E-A-T score for better SEO performance.

Marketing Baby

High-Quality Transcriptions On Your Mac

If you want to transcribe a podcast, video, or really any kind of audio, there’s probably no better tool on the market now that MacWhisper. It’s high-quality, simple, fast, and it runs on your local Mac using OpenAI’s Whisper model. The quality of these transcripts is really something next-level. And since this running on your ...

Marketing Baby

Explained In Simple Words: Customer Data Maturity Model

You might be collecting data on everything from customer behavior to their shoe sizes, but here’s the million-dollar question—what are you actually doing with all that information? Just having a mountain of data isn’t enough; you’ve got to mine it for the gems that lead to actionable insights. This is where understanding your organization’s Customer ...

Marketing Baby

Matt Diggity’s PERFECT WordPress Plugin Setup

In this video, Matt Diggity discusses the essential SEO plugins for WordPress (as of September 2023). His plugins: Rank Math, Elementor, WP Rocket, EWWW Image Optimizer, Pretty Links, Redirection, Contact Form 7, Wordfence, and ManageWP. Rank Math Matt Diggity delves deeper into the features of Rank Math, highlighting its superior schema generator. Schema is a ...

Marketing Baby

Email Course Creation 101: The Step-by-Step Blueprint for Solopreneurs

Email courses have become an increasingly popular tool for creators and online entrepreneurs to build their brand, share knowledge, and generate revenue. Unlike standalone ebooks or video courses, email courses leverage the power of an engaged subscriber list and the convenience of delivering bite-sized lessons over time directly to subscribers’ inboxes. For solopreneurs and small ...

Marketing Baby

From PDF to 7-Figure Exit

Recently listened to an episode of The Exit podcast with Brecht Palombo. This guy had quite an entrepreneurial journey, starting at age 15 with a local bike shop. Lived through the dot-com bust and the Global Financial Crisis, where his business plummeted by 90%. It was during his research into lender data, seeking fresh opportunities, ...

Marketing Baby

illustration of a tech worker sitting at a desk with a laptop

The Shelfware Dilemma (Edition 2023)

In today’s fast-paced digital environment, where every penny in a company’s budget is scrutinized for its return on investment, there lurks an often-overlooked drain on resources: shelfware. Imagine a scenario where up to 37% of your software spending vanishes into the ether, providing zero value in return. For many, this isn’t just a hypothetical – ...